Grouping of intellectuals and project managers
for the organization of a citizen constituent process
We are
Working groups
Helping European citizens create the Europe that will respond to current and future challenges
Allowances and budgets linked to our mandate as MEP
Trust the people and collective intelligence
Rethinking the different powers in order to better separate them
We are going to be
A list for the 2024 European elections
Organize the writing of the next European constitution with the people
The participation of associations defending direct and participatory democracy
Refuse the status quo and refuse to withdraw into oneself
Liquid democracy, shared democracy, consensual system... new way of thinking
Our mission
Present throughout the territory
Philosophers, intellectuals and project managers
Our past experience strongly linked to democracy issues
Innovate / Rethink the basics / Know how to question yourself
The Popular Initiative Referendum
Our means
Leaders and facilitators of citizen meetings
Discover the composition of the list soon
Coordinate the complete citizen constituent process for 5 years
Defend real democracy
Imagine more qualitative voting methods in term of results' lecture
Our state of mind
Guarantors of the result
Experimenting with citizens with new formats of thinking and decision-making
The nice citizen lobbies
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To as many people as possible around you
To work on the project
To avoid wasting paper
Our ideas
During your real-life encounters
To convince
To save public money
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To stay informed
In A4 format Black and white
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The bulletin will be available before the elections
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